

英 [ðeɪl]


  • abbr.

    they will 他们将;

  • 学习《they'll》怎么用


    Smashed your HTC One? No problem, they'll replace
    Torment Your Customers (They'll Love It)
    WHAT A RESULT!; They'll Never Know the Hell I Went through Says Tony Kay
    Value seeking and prediction-decision inconsistency: Why don’t people take what they predict they’ll like the most?
    "If the dishes don't get done today, they'll get done tomorrow": a breast cancer experience as a catalyst for changes to women's lei...
    ‘They’ll still get the bodily care’. Discourses of care and relationships between nurses and health care assistants in the NHS
    If you think you've got a lump, they'll screen you. Informed consent, health promotion, and breast cancer.
    They Misunderstand, But They'll Pass.
    Oh, the places they’ll go
    “They'll Change What They're Doing If They Know that You're Watching”: Measuring Reactivity in Health Behavior Because of an Obser...